Alfa Mist
Alternative soul - Hiphop - Electronic jazz
Alfa Sekitoleko (vocals, piano); Kaya Thomas-Dyke (vocals, bass); Sam Rapley (saxophone); Jamie Leeming (guitar); Nathan Shingler (drums).
Sun 10 July 2022 22:15 - 23:30 Congo

While some people are brought up from birth to love a particular musical movement, others only discover what really makes their heart beat faster when they are older. Londoner Alfa Mist was crazy about rap music as a teenager. As a beatmaker, he accidentally discovered the beauty of jazz samples which he heard in the hip hop tracks of American producers like Hi-Tek and Madlib. He decided to further explore that genre and implement it in his own work. Mist taught himself to play the piano in order to melodically fuse jazz elements and improvisation with soul and alternative hip hop. His debut album Antiphon (2017) established Mist as an unavoidable presence on the front line of experimenting East London jazz talents. Then came Structuralism (2019) followed by his latest release, the richly arranged album Bring Backs (2021), which confirmed him once and for all as a permanent fixture on the British and European urban jazz scene.