Accessibility at
NN North Sea Jazz

The festival is generally easily accessible for people with a disability; please find more information and services below.
For people with physical disabilities

The NN North Sea Jazz Festival is easily accessible for people with disabilities. By way of broad paths, escalators and elevators every hall is accessible for wheelchair users. In most concert halls seats are available. The same goes for the food & drinks courts.

Please note: as NN North Sea Jazz is a festival where audiences move between concert halls, it is not possible to reserve seats or standing places beforehand. For all festival visitors a first come, first serve system applies, so please make sure you arrive early. 

For people with auditory and/or visual disabilities

There are no special services for people with auditory and/or visual disabilities, such as sign language interpreters, audio description or seats with a better view. However, in a number of rooms, seats have been designated for older visitors, pregnant visitors and visitors with a physical disability.

For people with sensory processing disorders

The festival is an event with an overload of stimuli for people with sensory processing disorders: there is a lot of sound, light, colours, flashing images, et cetera. A sensory room is available on the first floor near the main entrance, where the Murray and Missouri are also located. 



A special line for wheelchair users is available at the entrance, adapted to wheelchair width. Please look for the wheelchair logo above the entrance.


All visitors will be searched upon entrance to check for forbidden items. Where possible this also applies to wheelchair users and people with disabilities. Security staff will execute checks with appropriate care.

Bag policy

It is not allowed to bring bags exceeding A4 size onto the festival site. Exceptions will be made for visitors needing a larger bag for medical reasons.  


Heavy medication, food and liquids necessary in connection with an allergy or illness are allowed at the festival site provided the user is able to show a medical ID upon request. Such an ID is available free of charge at any pharmacy. Please take into account the application time may be at least three weeks. Medical services reserve the right to check medications at the entrance.


It is not allowed to bring (collapsible) chairs or stools onto the festival site. This is because such items form obstacles in case of an evacuation of the festival. If there are pressing medical reasons to bring a chair or stool, please contact well beforehand.

Please see more information on items that may or may not be brought to the festival HERE. Or check our house rules HERE.


Use of elevators

In Rotterdam Ahoy elevators are available to take guests to any desired level. In this way all halls are accessible, as well as the galleries in Maas hall. Elevators are located downstairs in the Plaza and the main entrance building and can be used freely.

Barrs and foodstands

Most bars and food stands at the festival have a height of between 1.10 and 1.40 meters and where possible have been equipped with a ramp


Staffed cloakrooms are located in the Plaza and the entrance to Maas hall. They are suitable for wheelchair users; the height of the counter is about 1.10 meters.

Adjusted and wheelchair-accessible toilet

In Rotterdam Ahoy adapted and wheelchair-accessible toilets are located, divided between the various sanitary clusters. These toilets have been equipped with an alarm. There are no wheelchair-accessible toilets at the sanitary clusters located outside.

Extra Accessible (exto) deck (viewing platform) 

When purchasing three-day or day tickets for NN North Sea Jazz you have the choice to buy specific  to choose extra accessible, EXTO tickets and companion tickets. Wheelchair users with a maximum of one companion, provided both are in possession of said tickets, get first use of  the viewing platform, the EXTO deck in the Maas en Nile in Maas and Nile halls. These places are located on the platform indicated by a wheelchair logo.

Please note: there is only a select number of places available; you are not guaranteed a space with a exto or companion ticket. Just like all halls at the festival, a first come, first serve policy applies.

Wheelchair users not carrying a specific wheelchair ticket will only be allowed access to the exto deck if there is space left after the concert has started.

Wheelchair users are not obligated to make use of the exto deck; they may also find their own place elsewhere in the hall. In that case, please be aware some level of self-reliance is expected in situations of emergency.


Kiss & Ride for people with disabilities

A taxi stand is located in front of Rotterdam Ahoy. Visitors with disabilities can make use of it by having themselves dropped off and/or picked up there. During pick-up all spaces might be filled by taxis; please contact one of the traffic wardens present so they can indicate a pick-up spot nearby.

Parking at Ahoy

Parking spaces at Rotterdam Ahoy are suitable for the disabled. Regular parking rates apply. In addition to the standard spaces 18 more have been designated for disabled parking. To be able to use these, a European disability permit is required, which will be checked. There is no height limit for these parking spaces.

Parking at a distance

During the festival parking sites elsewhere in Rotterdam will be in use, with shuttle buses riding to and from Rotterdam Ahoy. Unfortunately these buses are not accessible for wheelchair users.

Bicycle storage

A bicycle storage will be set up across from Rotterdam Ahoy especially for the festival. This is a free and fenced site, with room for adapted bicycles.