SUNDAY 10 JULY 2011 • YENISEI • 16:30 - 17:45
Cor Fuhler (piano, Clavinet, organ, synthesizer); Anne La Berge (flute, electronics); Ab Baars (clarinet, alt sax); Tobias Delius (clarinet, tenor sax); Wilbert de Joode (double bass); Nora Mulder (cymbalom); Michael Vatcher (singing saw, percussion); Tony Buck (percussion).
Clavinet player, pianist and organist Cor Fuhler made his debut in 2001 with the album The Flirts. It became his calling card. His work is vivacious, recalcitrant and filled with humor. His compositions are performed by top-notch musicians from various musical disciplines. Fuhler's influences aren't summed up easily. Experimental jazz and rock, baroque and classical music, they all revolve around each other in a stimulating way. Like no other, Fuhler is able to give his musicians a sketch that they can then fill out to their heart's desire. The instruments used for each piece could be called unusual. For Fuhler it is all about exploring tonal possibilities, in which dialogue is of the greatest significance. Corkestra will enter the stage with eight musicians, of whom three play woodwind instruments and two are percussionists. A bassist and a drummer complete the lineup.
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