Jonathan Jeremiah with Metropole Orkest conducted by Jules Buckley
FRIDAY 08 JULY 2011 • MAAS • 17:15 - 18:15
Jonathan Jeremiah (lead vocals, guitar); Jules Buckley (conductor); Janine Abbas, Mariël van den Bos (flute); Martin de Ruiter (hobo); Marc Scholten, Leo Janssen, Jos Beeren, Paul van der Feen, Max Boeree (saxophone); Bart van Lier, Jan Oosting, Jan Bastiani, Martin van den Berg (trombone); Jelle Schouten, Ray Bruinsma, Jan Hollander, Ruud Breuls (trumpet); Pieter Hunfeld (horn); Arlia de Ruiter, Alida Schat, Sarah Koch, Denis Koenders, Erica Korthals Altes, Seija Teeuwen, Ruben Margarita, Casper Donker (1st violin); Merijn Rombout, Herman van Haaren, Vera van der Bie, Elizabeth Liefkes-Cats, Lucja Domski, Marianne van den Heuvel, Wim Kok (2nd violin); Mieke Honingh, Norman Jansen, Isabella Petersen, Julia Jowett, Iris Schut (alt viola); Bastiaan van der Werf, Wim Grin, Jos Teeken, Jascha Albracht (cello); Peter Tiehuis (guitar); Hans Vroomans (piano); Aram Kersbergen (bass); Erik Winkelmann, Arend Liefkes (double bass); Martijn Vink (drums); Murk Jiskoot, Frank Wardenier (percussion); Joke Schonewille; Robert Baba, Ron Olischlaeger.
This singer-songwriter from north London debuted this spring with the wonderful album A Solitary Man. The music of Jonathan Jeremiah takes you back in time: it is warm, organic and passionately honest. The Englishman can touch any heart with his baritone. In addition, he is a guitarist with his own, completely unique style. As a child in London he dreamed of America and he first actually visited the country (California) as a teenager in a student-exchange program. Jeremiah later returned seeking inspiration. You can clearly hear the influence of The Beach Boys and producer Phil Spector in the rich arrangements of the songs he recorded with Duffy's producer Bernard Butler. In Rotterdam he will be performing his own compositions with the highly praised Metropole Orkest. "And that really is a dream come true," according to Jeremiah.
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